Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Mom! Bill's trying to lock me out of the house again!"

OK, no he isn't. I feel like someone is trying to lock me out of blog time though. Between my son's wedding next week, getting my house ready to list by August 15 and normal everyday craziness that is going on right now, I've decided to take a few weeks of blog vacation until things are under control. (Are they ever under control?) OK at least until the house is on the market and I have time to breath again. So in the mean time stay well and I look forward to your sweet comments and friendship when I return.

PS Sorry Bill, not trying to give anyone the wrong impression about you. Even though MOOOOM was the most common thing that came out of my mouth for years.


Madame DeFarge said...

It's annoying when there's no room in 'real' life. I'm finding a similar problem myself, so hope it all goes well with you over the next few weeks. Enjoy the wedding. Look forward to your return.

Cheffie-Mom said...

See you when you get back!